Indian central bank officials have renewed efforts to ban crypto. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman supported the motion during a parliamentary meeting on July 18, saying digital assets have a “destabilizing effect” on the “fiscal stability of a country.” The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) first attempted to ban crypto in April 2018, citing risks associated with “consumer protection, market integrity and money laundering, among others.”
- Bitcoin (BTC) $ 29,397.00 0.1%
- Ethereum (ETH) $ 1,844.66 0.29%
- BNB (BNB) $ 239.12 0.76%
- Solana (SOL) $ 24.45 0.87%
- Polkadot (DOT) $ 5.00 0.24%
- Cosmos Hub (ATOM) $ 8.37 0.78%
- Flow (FLOW) $ 0.555415 0.08%
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